Monday, January 26, 2009

The Letter.

Dear Child,

Will you let me love you?

I long to hear your voice, even if it i so only the weak mutterings of a broken soul. I want you to open up, and tell me a little bit about your day. What's on your mind, will you tell me please? This silence is breaking me heart. I know your incomplete and unsatisfied, but that is why I am here. I can mend, I can complete.
I am painless and effortless, if you would simply allow me to get inside.

You a fearful while I am FIXED.

You are flawed while I am ABSOLUTE.

You are selfish while I am FLAME.

Yet you are still afraid of me? Let go. Release this. I promise you...

It's worth it.


Julia said...

This is been almost exactly what Jesus has been saying to me lately. Thanks for that.

Meredith said...

you are the realiest person i know. thank you for being my genuine friend. you mean the world to me.