Tuesday, September 22, 2009


What would happen if this thinking stopped, and I took a radical leap of faith into the arms of the faithful one?

Oh, what could happen! What could be done! What walls could be broken and barriers destroyed! In the arms of the Faithful One.

I cannot see what is waiting for me off this mountain top, but I can taste it, I can smell it. I can feel it.

Fear, be gone. You will be blasted away by the rays of Christ's glory.

Go ahead, take a step. It may hurt at first, but He will not let you hit bottom. He can't.

1 comment:

TaylorJacobs said...

Hey Emily. I enjoy reading your blog and hearing your thoughts. Have you ever read the book, "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan? It is about living a radical Christian life. Some of the thoughts in the book are definitely radical, but they make you think. Your post today made the think of the book and I wanted to recommend it to you.
I hope you are loving college life.
Keep growing! God has great things in store for you!