Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Memphis Chronicles: The Scope of the Gospel

Colossians 3:11 says, "Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all."

I have a confession. Here, in my experience with working with many people from many different backgrounds, my sin keeps getting in the way. My sin is gross, and I am realizing more and more just how much I need a savior. When Jesus walked into a room, he viewed every single person as his child, with deep love and compassion. I am struggling to love like he loved. I want so badly have eyes that see others with the transformative power of the gospel. 

I often catch myself wanting to "americanize" people, or try to stuff them into my worldview. White, American, middle class, college degree (almost), female, well churched, solid childhood-this is who I am. I often expect others to pursue the same goals I have, and be transformed more into my lifestyle to find Christ. But Jesus tore down those very barriers with the cross. The call to His kingdom does not care about any of those things I just listed about myself. His kingdom extends deep into the darkest places, and cares not about the degrees you have or the color of your skin. The Lord looks at the heart. I have no power to save myself, and there is absolutely nothing I have to offer. To be embraced into his Kingdom, I must simply accept his free gift of salvation with the obedience of my whole life.

Friends, we are all in desperate need for the gospel to be carried out in our lives. That means every race, every culture, every nation, every socioeconomic status, and every religion desperately needs him. This concept is so elementary, but do I believe this at the core of who I am? Do I see myself as more deserving of His grace because of where I have come from? Now that these issues are daily in front of my face, so are the pitfalls of my sin.

Praying for a changed heart, and changed vision. 

The scope of the gospel knows no bounds. Praise Him for stooping low to raise my own soul from the pit and grunge of sin.

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