Monday, November 10, 2008

The Constant.

This weekend was wonderful. I got to get away and finally take a breather.My youth group took a trip to to Giant City State Park. We stayed in this cute log cabin, and then went rock climbing. I promise some day I will be a rock climber! I've always wanted to be that girl that owns a bunch of expensive gear and goes camping every other weekend.

Also this weekend wasn't spiritually focused at all. We weren't forced to pray, worship, or have times set apart to look at his creation. It was quiet and relaxed. But even though there was no pressure to look for Him, it was impossible not to see Him. There was no defining moments, no "revelations" or life lessons learned.

He was just there.

I learned when I don't want to look for God, He is still there. I know this is a very elementary concept, but I experienced this constancy of God in a new way. The constancy of God is something mind-boggling. In this world nothing never lasts. People die, things break, moments end. But Christ can be trusted to be the Constant. He is the one that will not disappoint. This, my friend, is huge.

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