Monday, December 22, 2008

He loves me. He loves me not.

There was a mom named Janette, married, with four kids, living in a self destructing household. The house was characterized by screaming, arguing, fights, hurting and rebelling kids, alcoholism, and people desperate for attention. Finally after their oldest son had been hospitalized for drug overdose, the family admitted themselves into counseling. As the first session became more emotional and revealing that anyone expected, the counselor realized the root of many of the problems that seemed to be bursting out every hurting heart. Janette, due to her own childhood mess, could never bring herself to say the three words to her family that drastically altered the dynamics of the home..."I love you."

In contrast to Janette, Julianne was a popular high school student, bubbly and cheerful, and absolutely adored being around people. She flitted around her world hugging, kissing, and flattering. "Oh my gosh, babe I totally love you!" Sweety, your the best I love you!"But too much of the time her mouth would say one thing, but she thought the complete opposite. No matter how she really felt. she always gave off a positive vibe, sincerity aside. She would compliment when she secretly hated it, and hug when she secretly wanted to scream. She ended every text she wrote with, "Luvs U!" But did she have any comprehension of what those three words meant?

I believe the word love is possibly one of the most powerful words in existence. Why? Because it is a expression of the deep, intentional process in which we adore people as reflection of Christ- love personified. I believe God created us with this emotion in order to more fully understand the reason and intention behind His existence.

But I throw around that word as if it were an everyday formality. We say, "I love tacos!" then we say, " I love my husband"? They just don't compare, and it takes away the sanctity of the word. One day we decide to love, the next we decide to hate. This is not love! This is an emotionally based, cowardly action that has no comprehension of love. Do you and I understand that love was that compelling emotion and bond that brought Christ to come in our place? Do we understand that love is much more than hearts and kisses and romanticism?

Love is real

Love is moving

Love is action

We must rise out of the traps of complacency and begin to absorb and discover and experience Love-as in Christ-abandoning our feeble attempts to use this word in an attempt of flattery. We must return to our elementary posts and somehow try to see the most basic, pure form of love in order to begin again.

2 Corinthians 5:14
For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all...

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